April 19, 1999

The Board of Supervisors of Pennsbury Township held a regular meeting on Monday, April 19, 1999. Members present were Messrs. Holloway, Patten, MaryAnna Ralph and Kathy Howley. The minutes were approved as submitted.


Ms. Howley reported the following:

The next township meeting will be May 3rd starting at 6 P.M. and the Landowner's meeting will start at 7 P.M. at the Winery. Chester County Commissioners along with Rep. Chris Ross will be present. Mr. Patten will advertise the change in meeting time.

The contract for the 1999 audit by Tim Umbreit was duly advertised and the Board signed it. A copy will be sent to Mr. Umbreit.

An additional sign "local traffic only" was requested for the Cossart Road signs. The Board commented that this might invite traffic and suggested it not be put up.

Chipping has started this week and Clean Up Day is scheduled for April 24th. The Board was reminded of Road Inspection on May 1st at 8 A.M.

Newsletter has been sent out. The next one is scheduled for sometime in the summer.

Engineer Report - Mr. Houtman was not present but Ms. Howley reported the following:

Mr. Houtman walked the Jeff Berlin property on Baltimore Pike and concluded it did not need a land disturbance permit.

Baptist Church - they are in violation of their land disturbance permit conditions and will write them a letter on this.

Lister land disturbance permit - have seen cement rubble and stone dumped there. Will contact them to get more information.

Feitcher driveway - talked to Mr. Feitcher and he said he will be paving his entire driveway.

Courts at Longwood - approved a release for $15,000 for paving - will get the paperwork to the Board for signatures. The township has received their engineering refund fees.


Harron Cable TV has been sold to Aldelphia Communications. It is not clear if this will change anything with regards to our agreement. Mr. Johnstone asked if Harron has expanded in the township as they had promised. They have done some work but it has been slow. Ms. Howley will ask a representative to attend our May 17th meeting and give us an update.

The Board reviewed a proposed amendment to Special Exception Uses in the residential district as recommended by the Planning Commission. After some discussion it was agreed to make

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April 19, 1999

some changes and have a draft reviewed by the Planning Commission and advertise for the May 17th meeting.

The Board was reminded that the 2020 Conference is this Thursday, April 22nd.

A bill list dated April 19th numbering 1069-1100, State Fund 118-122 and PLGIT 119 was submitted and approved for payment by the Board.

With no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted:

Kathleen Howley

Township Manager