August 2, 1999

The Board of Supervisors of Pennsbury Township held a regular meeting on Monday, August 2, 1999. Present were Mr. Holloway, MaryAnna Ralph, Kathy Howley. The minutes were approved as submitted.


Ms. Howley reported the following:

The Chester Water Authority has written the township a letter regarding the potential sale of their lot in Chadds Ford Knoll. The Board stated the township would not be interested in the purchase of the lot.

Will talk to Mr. Patten regarding the status of the Bailey property on Rt. 51 & Hickory Hill Road. I will also ask him if the restrictions on the Geewax property have been recorded.

Code Enforcement - Rusty Drumheller reported he issued 8 zoning and building permits during July. Chadds Peak - the job supervisor took numerous pictures of the footings and they are awaiting L&I approval. It was also noted that the gate at the Gables Restaurant has not been kept closed and patrons to the restaurant may be using it. Rusty will check with Mr. McFadden on this. The driveway has not been relocated yet and will be when the antique business is started on the Victorian House lot.

Engineer, Matt Houtman reported the following:

The Chadds Ford Baptist church is finishing up the land disturbance on their lot.

Mr. Orenshaw did resubmit his plan for a land disturbance permit.

Hillhurst Farms - lot 18 driveway has been redone because it was too steep.

Bailey Rt. 52 - we did get a PennDot permit in the spring which is good for one year. Dave Patten has to contact Mr. Bailey regarding our plans to move forward on this project.

Emergency Management - Reese Reynolds - there was an heating oil spill at Savery Mill about July 6th. The township and county was not notified and I am looking into this. Apparently DEP was notified and hazmat procedures put into place. It was also reported that are 6 drums of liquid deposited by the railroad in back of Taylor's Gas station. It does not belong to the Taylors. The County has been notified and also we would like to be notified when there is a hazmat situation in the township. The County has issued drought restriction and a ban on open burning in the county. This information will be put on our website.


Mr. Johnson was present and wanted clarification on the following zoning regulations.

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August 2, 1999


MaryAnna Ralph talked to Steve Woodward about the plan for the Woodward farm. He is working on it but has been behind on the work.

The county money awarded the township for the Johnson property is good until March, 2000. If we needed an extension we could get it according to Bill Gladden of the County Parks & Rec. Dept. We could use the money for another property but it must abut the Johnson property.

Bob Crandell's letter regarding his study of our sign ordinance will be given to Mr. Patten for his comments.

A letter will be sent to Congressman Pitts regarding our status on the census.

A bill list dated August 2, 1999 numbering 1278-1309 was submitted and approved for payment by the Board.

With no further business the meeting adjourned 8:50 P.M.

Respectfully submitted:

Kathleen Howley

Township Manager