February 7, 2000

The Board of Supervisors of Pennsbury Township held a regular meeting on Monday, February 7, 2000. All members, Mr. Patten and Ms. Howley were present and the minutes approved a submitted.


Ms. Howley reported the following:

The new code book is set for adoption on Feb. 22nd. The fee schedule was reviewed by the Board. Mr. Reynolds suggested resolution should read "price per gross square foot". Mr. Patten will make the change and it will be signed on the 22nd.

The maintenance contract with Signal Service for 2000 was signed by the Board. There is no price increase from last year.

County grant money for the purchase of open space for the Johnson tract will expire by March 30th. The Board instructed Ms. Howley to request a year extension.

CCATO spring convention will be held March 2nd. Messrs. Patten, Reynolds, MaryAnna Ralph and Kathy Howley will attend.

Roadmaster Dave Allen reported there have been some minor complaints about the snow plowing. However, everything has gone fairly well thus far. Salt supply is good and roads are clear.

Emergency Management - there will be a meeting at the township building on February 18th at 8:30 A.M. with the county regarding emergency procedures for the shutting down of Rt. 1 over the Brandywine River.


Mr. Shields, representing the landowner, reviewed with the Board the status of the subdivisions and what items that still needed to be addressed. The following was noted:

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February 7, 2000


The township received a letter from Mr. Altmaier regarding the use of the entrance on Brintons Bridge Road to the McFadden property and the restaurant. He believes the decision by the Zoning Hearing Board is being violated. The Board reviewed the letter from Mr. Altmaier and the decision and concluded that the driveway off Brintons Bridge Road could be used as "one way in" only, no exit. The present sign on the driveway says "entrance only". Mr. Patten was instructed to write Mr. McFadden of this, remind him his time for using the Victorian property as an antique shop is running out and the existing driveway must be moved back on the lot as stated in the hearings as soon as the weather permits. A copy of this letter will be sent to Mr. Altmaier.

Brandywine River Antiques has applied for a Zoning Hearing Board hearing regarding signage for their business and parking of their truck on the ramp to the barn. Mr. Patten reported that he received a call from Mr. Good regarding clarification on zoning points in the ordinance. The owner has agreed to not park the truck on the ramp and one sign on the building at the entrance to the shop along with the sign on Rt. 1 is permitted. Mr. Patten said he would talk to Mr. Good about this and see if a settlement couldn't be reached without a hearing.

Rt. 926 Project Update - Mr. Anderson reported the following

YMCA decision is scheduled at a hearing on Feb. 9th at 7 P.M., Hillendale School. The supervisors discussed the "Y"'s response to their proposed conditions of acceptance of the project. They also discussed Mr. Brutscher's letter of January 14th addressed to the attorneys involved in the case. The supervisors advised Mr. Patten that if the "Y" agreed to their guidelines they would not oppose the application.

A bill list dated February 7, 2000 numbering 1668-1704, State #132,133 and PLGIT#125 was submitted and approved by the Board. The next township meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 22, 2000. With no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted:

Kathleen Howley

Township Manager