March 5, 2001

The Board of Supervisors of Pennsbury Township held a regular meeting on Monday, March 5, 2001. All members, Dave Patten and Kathy Howley were present and the minutes approved as submitted.

Township Manager Kathy Howley reported the following:

There was an accident at Ponds Edge Drive & Rt. 1 damaging the traffic light. Will obtain the information from the state police and pursue insurance reimbursement .

Will give information on "certified local government" to the Historical Committee.

The League of Women Voters" will be sponsoring a meeting on March 15th and have Janet Bowers from the County talk about water resources.

Spano/Berger Lot - Mr. Berger was present to ask the township what can be done about drainage problems on his lot. Matt Houtmann reported that he did a site visit and submitted a letter to the township outlining what the problem was and identifying remedies. There is a drainage problem from the lot next to Mr. Berger and also drainage coming from across the road and not flowing into the gutter along the road. The project manager for Mr. Spano received the letter and told Matt he will address the problem as soon as the weather breaks. The township is holding escrow in the amount of $5000 and Rusty will not issue the last CO until the situation is properly addressed. Mr. Patten stated the township still has 2 outstanding issues with Mr. Spano - a change in the subdivision agreement and the change requested by the Leonards living at the end of the road. These two issues need to be addressed. The Board assured Mr. Berger that the township will do everything in our power to see that the problem is solved.

Dawson Mill site visit. Matt Houtmann met with DEP representatives on site to discuss the permitting of the mill once it gets repaired and functioning again. Matt issued two letters to document the visit and stated the township will have to start with a wetlands delineation, topo and survey for the permit process. We need to keep Mrs. Dawson informed on the process and exactly what it's going to take.

Penn's Village - A copy of a statement addressing potential conditional use requests was given to Mr. Patten and the Board for their review and comment. Mr. Patten stated all items except the request for relief on the side yard setback would come under the conditional use process. The Board does not have a problem with the requests, in spirit, but Mr. Becker should proceed to petition for a conditional use hearing and provide the township with an architectural and site design. There was also some discussion on the pros and cons of having everything come under a "conditional use" umbrella that is not "use by right" in the subdivision/land development ordinance.

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March 5, 2001

Land Use Patterns Study - Brandywine Conservancy submitted the final draft and the Planning Commission has recommended adoption of the study. The Board advised Mr. Patten to draft a resolution for the March 19th meeting. However, they did request that someone from the Planning Commission create an outline of the salient points and present them to the Board for discussion. Mr. Reynolds also stated the township needs a mechanism to pick out the "go do's" and follow up on them.

Megill Barn - a site inspection was conducted. MaryAnna Ralph was present and stated the barn could be repaired but it will cost some money. She has not spoken to the engineer who attended. It was her opinion the outside could be repair and the inside could be upgraded to whatever the Megill's wanted.

Historical Preservation - George Asimos is working on the draft. However, it was agreed by the Board that the types of uses for historical structures should be broaden to include a list of low impact professional uses. Dave Patten will review the West Whiteland ordinance. This may be something we can fold into the draft George is working on.

Township Building Renovations - Rusty Drumheller reported the following:

A bill list dated March 5th numbering 2478-2508, PLGIT #136 was submitted and approved for payment by the Board.

With no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Kathleen Howley

Township Manager