February 4, 2002

The Board of Supervisors of Pennsbury Township held a regular meeting on Monday, February 4, 2002. All members, Mr. Patten and Ms. Howley were present and the minutes approved as submitted.

Township Manager Kathleen Howley reported the following:

MaryAnna Ralph, Bill Reynolds and Dave Patten will attend the CCATO spring convention on March 7th.

A resolution was passed by the Board adopting the regulations in the Municipal Record Retention Manual. A second resolution was passed for the destruction of certain records listed and dating back to 1969. Mr. Reynolds stated the files should have a notation on it stating how long we have to keep it. There will also be a week each year in January when a purging of records will be done.

The Planning Commission and Board will meet on April 29th at 7:30 to discuss cognitional use vs special exceptions.

Forsyth Declaration of Restrictions - the last page was revised and the Board signed it. It will have to be signed again by the Forsyths and notarized on a separate page in order for it to be recorded.

SpectraSite lease agreement - Mr. Patten stated the lease agreement calls for a 50% share of revenues as does the lease previously with Nextel. Mr. Patten will contact Nextel and request a audit from them to see if we had received the share of revenues along with the rent for the ground lease. Mr. Patten also stated that we can request from SpectraSite an audit of how they determine what our share is.

Township Engineer Matt Houtman reported the following:

There is a drainage problem in Ponds Edge. We are holding some escrow money and he will write T.M. Kay Development to request correction of the problem before we return the escrow

Will write a letter to Jeff Berlin about cleaning up the "Mendenhall" site.

Hamorton Woods has applied for a land disturbance permit. Matt will outline in a letter to them requirements for the issuance of the permit.

Code Enforcement Officer Rusty Drumheller reported the following:

Received a memo from the Historical Committee stating their approval for the demolition of the Lance Sumser house on Fairville Road. The Board also approved this and will send a memo to Rusty accordingly.

Issued 3 building and zoning permits for January.

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Philip Harvey at 1012 North Ridge Road is operating a business out of his home. Mr. Harvey has been given an application for the zoning hearing board. Mr. Drumheller will send him a notice of violation which he can appeal to the zoning hearing board. Mr. Harvey told Mr. Drumheller that he has purchased some property and will be building a structure for his business.

Chadds Ford Elementary School land development - Brent Detter was present to go over the final plans for the school. At this time, public water is cost prohibitive but the school district continues to negotiate with Chester Water Authority to get the price down. The Board strongly encourages the school district to use public water for the school. The plans have been revised to address Matt Houtman's comment and they are presently addressing Anne Walter's comments which were received today. Once all issues have been addressed, the plans will come before the Board for signature and recording. Full capacity of the school is 575 children, they estimate to be at 450 within 3 years. There is a completion date of the summer of '03.

Emergency Management - Jim Sears discussed three aspects of emergency management:

Establish/clarify responsibility for managing an emergency in the township.

Overview of current competency

Discuss how the supervisors are ultimately involved in this process.

The managing of an emergency is our responsibility. Right now the emergency mgmt. members are trying to understand the process and how it should work when following the plan filed with the township. Secondary planning has not been done. They have drafted an 8 step action plan to enhance competency and rewrite our plan to reflect this. The supervisors should be involved with the plan to some degree. The supervisors should have active interest in where we are in emergency preparedness. It was suggested that a report be given by emergency mgmt at each township meeting.

Old/New Business

The amendment to the Hankinson/Roosevelt declaration was reviewed and changes must be made before signing. Mr. Patten will get with Mr. Lyons on this.

Mr. Holloway reported that Mr. Munafo wrote a letter to the township and state police about speeding on Hickory Hill Road near the railroad tracks where his driveway enters. It was suggested that a copy of the letter be given to Mr. Allen for his input. LTAP will also be asked to assess the area for possible "speed humps" and our Traffic Safety Committee will be asked for input. MaryAnna Ralph asked if flashing

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lights could be something to consider for this hill and curve. Mr. Holloway will respond in writing to Mr. Munafo.

Ms. Howley reported that Planning Commission members took a trip to Washington Township New Jersey to tour a "town center" that is being developed. The trip was very informative and we were able to see first hand how this type of development is being done.

The Board of Supervisors appointed Don Altmaier as the township representative for the Library Board. Ms. Howley will inform the library of this.

A bill list dated February 4, 2002 numbering 3293-3322 was submitted and approved for payment by the Board.

With no further business the meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Kathleen Howley

Township Manager