October 7, 2002

The Board of Supervisors of Pennsbury Township held a regular meeting on Monday, October 7, 2002. All members were present and the minutes approved as submitted.

Township Manager Kathy Hawley reported the following:

1. The county ban on burning has been extended to October 31st. Leaf pick up will be November 1105th and chipping will be the week of November 18th.

Received a letter from Longwood Fire Co. asking for an increase in our contribution. They will be asked to attend our next meeting for discussion. They have also asked the township to consider a radio ordinance. This pertains to communities with tall buildings which we have none. Therefore, the ordinance will not be considered at this time.

Don Altmaier met with the supervisors and gave an update on the Bayard Taylor Library building status. MaryAnna Ralph Stated she would be writing a letter to the regional planning commission library consortium on this subject since she will not be able to attend their next meeting.

The Hanlon zoning hearing board request has been withdrawn.

Roadmaster Dave Allen reported the following:

Will be finishing roadside mowing within 2 weeks.

Co-op tried to meet with PECO last week to review continued problems with PECO responsiveness in the township. Will reschedule.

LTAP 1 program starts Oct. 10th at East Marlborough Twp. Our building will also be used for sessions through January, 03

Sent results of the traffic study for Hillendale & Hickory Hill Rds. to LTAP for their review.

Attended a seminar on the "changing roles of roadmasters" which was put on by PSATS and well attended.

Fall road inspection will be held on Saturday, Oct. 26th at 8 a.m.

Scouts would like to have electricity in both sheds. Board said OK and maybe scouts to help with this project.

Township Engineer Matt Houtmann

Received approval from the Conservation District for the Dawson Mill. Will be meeting with Army Corp. Of Engineers in 2 weeks. Had a pond dredging company give a quote on the pond project. A portion of the project can be done by the township. The project may have to be bid.

Sent to Courts at Longwood a list of items to be completed before escrows can be released. Dave Patten will pursue another extension for the agreement.

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October 7, 2002

Will do final inspection for Hillhurst.

Bid Openings for the Knoll curbing is as follows:

G. Antonini - $42122

Trinity Paving - $68,406.50

Keller & Wolf - $58,761

JVC Contract. - $59,305

D. Malloy - $74,818.50

Maganga - $71,043

Joseph Sucher - $53,460

Matt will look over the bids and if everything is in order, the job will go to low bidder, G. Antonini.

Code Enforcement Rusty Drumheller reported the following:

Crosslands is going up fast.

Inspected Pennsbury Inn and will inspect Fairville Inn October 14th.

Will check the Chadds Ford Animal Hosp. to see if it is owner occupied per the zoning hearing board decision.

Will follow up with the township door replacements

Received complaint regarding dog breeding on the Victoria Leborn property at Parkersville Rd & 926. Will investigate.

Submitted an inspection reported on the Chadds Ford Elementary school for review. It was noted the concrete company has been replaced already because of poor work. A copy will be sent to Ed Wandersee, President of the school board.

Old/New Business

The Cecil Walls property has two tax parcel numbers and the lots are divided by McFadden Road but one deed. The estate is going to sell the property as a whole unit. The estate has contracted with Regester to write two deeds for the two lots. The Board advised them the 2.7 acre lot must be perked is marketed separately. The easement issues pertaining to the road as applied to the house must be resolved.

Duke property - the PennDot permit must be changed by Jeff Berlin to reflect the change in the Duke driveway. Ms. Hawley will contact Jeff.

Bill Holloway submitted his letter of resignation from the Board of Supervisors effective January 1, 2003. He is resigning because of other business commitments.

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October 7, 2002

Proposed Recreation Fee Ordinance - was duly advertised for adoption. The Board reviewed comments from the Chester Co. Planning Com. and George Asimos Jr. With no further discussion the Board passed the ordinance.

Ms. Hawley stated she will contact Tony Dambro and encourage him to come into the township with a sketch plan for the Johnson property to start.

A bill list dated October 7th numbering 3869-3916 was submitted and approved by the Board. With no further business the meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Kathleen Howley

Township Manager