
Weather Event - Being Prepared

1.  Fill gas tanks of all cars/trucks 2.  Power failures are typical.  Purchase extra supply of batteries to power radios/fl…

ReadyChesCo - Sign Up

ReadyChesCo is used to notify you during a major crisis or emergency, and delivers important emergency alerts; such as weathe…

Earned Income Tax Provider - Keystone Collections

Keystone Collects is the Chester County EIT Tax Collector.  EIT Tax …

Summer Road Work

Roads to be Oil/Chipped/Fog Sealed starting summer 2024 - Chaddbury Lane, Shadow Lane, Sparrowhawk, Spindle Lane, Hillspri…

Township Alert

PLEASE KEEP YOUR DOORS LOCKED, especially during the summer and alert your neighbors when you go away.  There have been peopl…

View All Announcements

In order to vote you must be registered. To get a registration form, find out the dates of elections or get an absentee ballot application at www.chesco.org/election or see below  Sample ballot for general election at http://www.chesco.org/documentcenter/view/35281    

Primary elections are held the third Tuesday in May. In the year when a President is elected, the primary is held on the fourth Tuesday in April. General elections take place on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.  Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.

Pennsbury is divided into four election precints, the polling places are listed below:

North 1 -  Crosslands
North 2 - Chadds Ford Elementary School
South 1 - Township Building
South 2 - Hillendale Elementary School

2024 elections - Primary Election, April 23rd (last day to register 4/8), General Election November 5,( last day to register 10/21).

Last day to apply for mail-in or absentee ballot April 16th, and for General Election October 29th